LABUAN BAJO is a paradise for anglers. Where the waters of Labuan Bajo besides having a very beautiful group of islands to be enjoyed while fishing, Labuan Bajo is also part of the very famous Coral Triangle.
You can choose the spot offered by the fishing guide with the fishing style you want (trolling, popping, jigging ,casting or bottom). BAJODO guarantees that you will get the size of fish that you expect because we control the exact spot.
Fish that are often found in Labuan Bajo waters include: Giant Travely (GT), Red Snapper, Grouper, Rubby Snapper, Mackerel and Green job fish
Greetings from Labuan Bajo. bajodo is a company domiciled in Labuan Bajo, which provides Speed Boats and Fishing which can reach some of the most famous tourist attractions, and the most favorite tourist attractions for tourists to visit.
Phone : +62 882‑0228‑78770
WhatsApp : +62 882‑0228‑78770
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Location : Jl. Reklamasi Pantai Kampung Ujung, Labuan Bajo, Kec. Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Tim. 86554
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